
Golf Cart Hovercraft

Whether you’re a master on the golf course or not, you can impress everyone on the green with the Golf Cart Hovercraft, and possibly make people forget that terrible pop-up you did on the last hole. Unless you’re a true glutton for punishment, walking the […]


Garmin Head-Up Display

Even if you don’t text while driving, it can still be hard to keep your eyes on the road all the time because there are a lot of things to keep track of, but the Garmin Head-Up Display lets you keep your focus where it […]


Flip Alarm Clock

Ever have trouble remembering if you set the alarm to wake you up? The Flip Alarm Clock always lets you know if it’s ready to wake you up… and you don’t have to bother with fumbling around for that tiny little button to turn the […]

Braided Fabric Smartphone Cables

Braided Fabric Smartphone Cables

Power cords make the world go around but they can quickly become tangled messes with everyone in the house claiming ownership because all the cords look exactly alike. The Braided Fabric Smartphone Cables take the tangle and confusion out of power cords with four unique […]

Hot Tub Boat

Hot Tub Boat

Have you ever wished you could sit in a boat filled with water while floating on the water? Ordinarily, that might mean you’re sinking if you’re in a regular boat but it could mean you’re living large if you’re in the Hot Tub Boat. When […]


App Writers Stylish Styluses

Touchscreens are way cooler than clunky keyboards but they have one major drawback – you have to touch them, and that can lead to funky, nasty screens. App Writers keep your screen clean, and a clean screen makes you forget how nasty and disgusting your […]



Cellphones and smartphones are a part of everyday life these days but they shouldn’t be a part of driving because distractions can lead to accidents. The ORIGOSafe makes sure drivers use the hands-free capabilities of their phone because that’s the only way the car will […]


Star Trek TOS Phaser Laser Pointer

Set your phasers to awesome. This Star Trek TOS Phaser Laser Pointer is perfect for putting some Star Trek flair into your corporate presentation. This tiny prop replica has amazing details. It even has a built-in keychain so you can take it everywhere. Star Trek […]

Single Handed Barber

Single-Handed Barber

If you ever get the urge to save a few bucks by doing your own haircuts and don’t plan on getting wild with the styling, the Single-Handed Barber is the trimmer you’ve been waiting for… and that shaggy mop that’s touching your shoulders shows that […]


BBQ Grill Light and Fan

Let’s say you want to slap a little meat on the fire and the day starts to turn to night faster than you had planned, or you just want to set up the pit in the shade so the sun isn’t blasting down on you. […]

Wireless Page To TV Magnifier

Wireless Page to TV Magnifier

Mega-huge TV screens and eReaders that let us adjust font size have allowed our eyes to take a break but our orbs still sweat when reading tiny print in books and magazines. The Wireless Page to TV Magnifier lets us finally toss aside those reading […]

iPad Pen

iPad Pen

You would never use a real pen to write on your iPad but the iPad Pen provides the comforting, nostalgic feel of using an actual ink-filled writing instrument without really putting ink on your screen. Taking notes with this uniquely-designed sorta-stylus, using free apps like […]


iBell iPhone Alarm Clock

The alarm on your iPhone might not get the job done if you’re a sound sleeper so transform your phone into a retro alarm clock with the iBell iPhone Alarm Clock, and let your blissful slumber be successfully interrupted by the clamoring of bells. Technology […]