Captain America Hoodie

Captain America Hoodie

If you’re anything like me, you were outside throwing garbage can lids after getting all revved up and ready to kick some bad guy butt after seeing Captain America: The First Avenger, and now it’s possible to have the big guy’s look with the soft, […]

Shewee Extreme

Shewee Extreme

I’ve said it time and time again that it’s unfair how guys can just pee wherever they want to and girls can’t do the same (for obvious reasons). It’s not that I want the female race to be able to relieve themselves wherever they wanted […]

4 Foot Heirloom Dragon

4 Foot Heirloom Dragon

Dragon warriors ages 3 and up are going to drop their armor when they see this. The 4 Foot Heirloom Dragon is exactly what every lair could needs. This beast stands upright and can support up to 150 lbs. That means that even adults can ride! Since it’s […]

Life-Sized LEGO Ford Explorer

Life-Sized LEGO Ford Explorer

Holy SUVs, Batman! This fiery-red Life-Sized LEGO Ford Explorer is completely made of our favorite toy bricks from wheel to roof.  It probably cost more to make the LEGO version than manufacturing a real Ford Explorer. Did they superglue every one of the 380,000 bricks they use, because my puny […]

Goodnight iPad

Goodnight iPad

Do you remember Goodnight Moon, the classic book written by Margaret Wise Brown in 1947? I’m sure many of you had it read to you when you were kids or may have even read it to your own children; but don’t you think it is […]

Carbon Fiber Stormtroopers

Carbon Fiber Stormtroopers

Remember when Stormtroopers where the laughing stock of the Star Wars universe…you should since it was only yesterday. Even with their lasers, they were no match for the Rebels, Han Solo, Chewbacca, or Luke Skywalker. Did you ever think that maybe all that armor was […]

Bacon Scarf

Bacon Scarf

Are you looking to add a little more bacon into your life? You could buy one of the many bacon products GeekAlerts has already shown you, or you could even go old school and eat a ton of that warm greasy goodness; but I think […]

Pantone Christmas Baubles

Pantone Christmas Ornaments

When you think of Christmas, images of Santa riding on his sleigh and candy canes immediately pop into mind. Think of Christmas colors and you’ll have red and green as your two top choices. Think of some quirky, unique, and definitely colorful ornaments for the […]

Portal Bookends

Aluminum Portal Bookends

A couple days ago I posted about the Angry Birds Dodge Balls. It was one of those products that was an incredible fit for the for the Angry Birds brand. Portal Bookends are another natural combination of product and brand. While these Portal Bookends made […]

Brains Cupcake Kit

Brains! Cupcake Kit

I think the zombie craze began with Popcap’s extremely popular tower defense game, Plants versus Zombies. I have a nephew who’s so into the game that he clamors for everything that has to do with zombies and brains these days. So to surprise him on […]

Extremely Large Flask

Sasquatch Extremely Large Flask

There’s just something about abnormally huge stuff that makes seemingly ordinary things well, extraordinary. (However, an exception to the rule is the Mega Cockroach, unless you’re into insects and roaches). I mean, take lighters for example. They’re useful but they’re nothing to write home about, […]

Knit Turkey Hat

Knit Turkey Hat

Everyone knows that turkey is the essential dish many carnivores look forward to eating on Thanksgiving, and the day after, and the day after that. But seldom do you ever see folks wearing turkeys. This year, start a new trend and keep as warm as stuffing when you bake […]