Star Wars R2-D2 Eyewear

Star Wars Eyewear

Ever wonder where your friends’ true allegiance lies when it comes to the adventures of Luke, Leia, Han, and Darth Vader? The Star Wars Eyewear makes it so easy that you don’t even have to be a Jedi to know if they prefer good or […]

Clown Tardis T-Shirt

Clown Tardis T-Shirt

The madman in the box stepped out to take a bathroom break while visiting the circus and now his awesome Time and Relative Dimension in Space machine has been stolen by truly evil entities. The Clown TARDIS T-Shirt captures a sight we’ve all seen before […]

iCrayon Stylus

iCrayon Stylus

It’s a hi-tech world but you can still add some childish fun to your day with iCrayon Stylus. People will think you lost your mind when they see you scribbling away on your touchscreen with a crayon, but they’ll understand your wisdom when they realize […]


Love Birds

What happens when a geek is also a bird lover? Sadly, not much because that crowd seems to get left out when it comes to cool stuff. Now, however, the Love Birds can scratch that geeky itch experienced by those that get a warm fuzzy […]

Predator Temple Guard Mask

Predator Temple Guard Mask

I used to think nothing could get scarier than Alien; then Predator came along. And then, the two awesomely showed up in the same movie. The Predator Temple Guard Mask is a replica of the hi-tech alien headgear worn by everyone’s intergalactic hunters in Alien […]

LED Pulse Band

LED Pulse Band

When it comes to getting attention, nothing beats flashing lights, and the LED Pulse Band has plenty of bright light to get all the eyes looking in your direction. Just slip one of these colorful silicone bands on your wrist and get ready for the […]

Solo Shot Glass Set

Red Cup Ceramic Shot Glasses

Those big, red Solo cups are a familiar sight at picnics and backyard BBQ’s, holding everything from cola to your favorite booze. For many of us, they are immediately associated with college keggers and house parties. That classic look has been captured in miniature form […]

AppToyz AppWheel v2.0

AppToyz AppWheel v2.0

I feel the need; the need for speed! Okay, that line actually came from a movie about jet jockeys but it’s the sentiment you’ll feel when you wrap your hands around the AppToyz AppWheel v2.0. Designed like a steering wheel to maximize your virtual racing […]


IR Cyber Flyer

The idea of flying a remote control helicopter is exciting. The idea of crashing it into the ground and turning it into toothpicks isn’t. The IR Cyber Flyer provides a user-friendly flying experience to help you slip into pilot mode by giving you the chance […]

Flip Torch

Flip Torch Flashlight

Here’s a little something that’s good for providing a laugh and lighting your way. The next time somebody comes up with a cigarette and asks if you have a light, just whip out the Flip Torch Flashlight and watch their amazed reaction when they realize […]

Retro Mouse and Mousepad

Retro Mouse and Mousepad

Technology has come a long way and a computer mouse can do everything except wash the dishes and feed the cat these days, but the Retro Mouse and Mousepad brings back memories of a simpler time, when just having a little box that was capable […]