Emergency Inflatable Brain

Emergency Inflatable Brain

Oh, that’s what the teachers meant when they said, “Put on your thinking caps.” The Emergency Inflatable Brain can be worn during times when your think tank needle is plummeting towards empty, or even when it’s at full. Emergency Inflatable Brain Inflate the brain when you need a […]

Hamburger Pillow

Hamburger Pillow

Wow, the possibilities are truly endless with what can be made into a hamburger. We thought we’d seen it all with the Hamburger Coasters, Knit Hamburger Mask, Hamburger Chair and the oh-so posh Hamburger Bed. But now there’s a Hamburger Pillow that would look great as a […]

Steampunk Cthulhu Pocket Watch

Steampunk Cthulhu Pocket Watch

Tell me, what’s a character that you can think of that’s creepier than the Cthulhu? It’s not my favorite fictional character, but a lot of people somehow find H.P. Lovecraft’s creation quite interesting. Case in point? There have been a variety of common items that […]

Football Earbuds

Football Earbuds

It’s that time of year again when all of the manly men spend their Sundays sitting on the couch, a beer in one hand, some nachos in the other, living other men’s dreams and getting larger in the gut. Well, why not celebrate the sport […]

Deluxe Toupee

Deluxe Toupee

We all start off with hair, but many of us lose it along the way. That’s cool if you are confident, but maybe you aren’t and just want your hair back. If that’s you, try the Deluxe Toupee. It will give you hair in two […]

Hungoevr Coobkook by Milton Crawford

The Hungover Cookbook

It happens to the best of us. You forget your liquor threshold one evening only to wake up with a pounding headache, dazed, confused, and worst of all, hungry. If you can muster up the strength to get out of bed and make it to the kitchen, […]

BBQ Guitar Spatula

BBQ Guitar Spatula

It is always summer somewhere; for those of you lucky enough to be in a warm climate, get outside, get those barbeques fired up, and enjoy some Rock & Roll with the BBQ Guitar Spatula. This stainless steel spatula has an etched design with a […]

Boba Fett Musical Snowglobe

Boba Fett Musical Snowglobe

The Boba Fett Musical Snowglobe captures an iconic scene and recreates it with a holiday theme to make it more in tune with this Christmas season. Instead of wielding some sort of intimidating weapon, Boba Fett is instead holding a gigantic candy cane as a […]

Hollywood Slate Board

Hollywood Slate Board

You know those reels that some movies play after the actual movie ends? The one where they show some bloopers and some behind-the-scenes clips when the film was still being shot? I don’t know if you noticed, but they always filmed that clipboard or slate […]

Killer Bunny Slippers

Killer Bunny Slippers

If you’re looking for bedroom slippers with a personality, then look no further than these Killer Bunny Slippers. They look like typical and perfectly adorable bunnies from some angles, but you’ll see that they are far from being just regular, old bunnies when you peek at […]



You can’t do anything about people and their thieving ways, but what you can do is take some extra steps and enforce more measures that can help keep your stuff more secure, like using the Alarmio. Just attach the tiny device to your gym bag, […]

Splash Pop Sponge

Splash Pop Sponge

Got a kid who hates to take a bath? Aside from throwing in an iDuck Wireless Speaker into the bath tub, you can also use the Splash Pop Sponge to make sure that your child looks forward to his or her bath every day. Make […]