New Overwatch Hero: Ashe | Intro & Origin Story Videos

Overwatch Hero Ashe BOB

At BlizzCon2018, Blizzard Entertainment introduced a New Overwatch Hero: Ashe complete with both Intro & Origin Story Videos. Both of these videos are included below in this article. In summary, Ashe is a damage hero with a semi-automatic rifle, double-barrel shotgun, dynamite, and a massive omnic ally, B.O.B.

Watch Overwatch Introducing Ashe from Blizzard Entertainment:

Introducing Ashe—leader of the Deadlock Gang and rebellious gunslinger who’s not afraid to get her hands dirty.

Ashe’s main weapon is “The Viper,” a semi-automatic rifle she can fire quickly. Aiming down the sights slows things down, but delivers more precision and damage. She also has a “Coach Gun,” a double-barrel shotty that knocks enemies away while kicking her backward as well, so it can give her the mobility to escape a dangerous situation. Another weapon she wields is dynamite. When she throws it, it detonates after a short delay or as soon as it is shot. The explosion can light enemies on fire, dealing damage over time. Finally, her Ultimate is summoning B.O.B., her trusted omnic sidekick who charges forward, knocking enemies into the air. He follows it up with brutal suppressing fire from his arm cannons.

Watch Overwatch Ashe Origin Story from Blizzard Entertainment:

Saddle up with the desperado who turned a band of renegades into the perfect family: Ashe. She is the ambitious and calculating leader of the Deadlock Gang and a respected figure in the criminal underworld.

Blizzard has not stated exactly when Ashe will be available in the game. It is expected that she’ll be on public test servers soon, with a general release a while after that.

Update November 5, 2018: Ashe is now available on the PTR.

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