Air Strike Catapult

Air Strike Catapult

You can always have a rubberband fight at the office, but that’s just not medieval enough is it? You need a weapon that is more manly. Using catapults is the way to go. This Air Strike Catapult is the perfect choice. Imagine you and your […]

Astronomy Playing Cards

Astronomy Playing Cards

Since time began, humans have been looking up into the night sky and wondering what is out there as they learn about astronomy, but all of that is about to change. Thanks to these Astronomy Playing Cards, you don’t even have to go outside to […]

Two Sided Pi Pie Puzzle

Two Sided Pi Pie Puzzle

March 14th is just another day to many, but to math and science geeks it is one of the coolest days of the year and as Sheldon will attest, it happens to be Amy Farrah Fowler’s apartment number. If you are looking for fun and […]

Inflatable Unicorn Horn

Inflatable Unicorn Horn

If you watch Glee, then you know about this ditzy character named Britney S. Pierce who’s the perfect epitome of the dumb blonde. She believes that leprechauns exist and is generally clueless when it comes to, well, everything. And one thing that she fancies (that […]

Sydney Opera House by LEGO

LEGO Sydney Opera House

One of the coolest examples of modern architecture on the planet is the Sydney Opera House and now you can build it with this LEGO Sydney Opera House set and display it on your desk. It’s interesting to see how it looks in LEGO compared […]

Emergency Inflatable Chicken

Emergency Inflatable Chicken

I don’t know when or why you’d need one, but the Emergency Inflatable Chicken will make sure that you’ve got a sixteen-inch rubber chicken that’s good to go. Each chicken is a vibrant yellow in color (which they obviously aren’t in real life) and come packaged […]

Hardware Chess Set

Hardware Chess Set

Here’s the perfect chess set that DIYers will especially enjoy. The Hardware Chess Set features chess pieces formed from nuts and bolts. It might be a little hard to distinguish which piece is the queen, rook, knight, or bishop, but you’ll probably get the hang […]

Barbie Royal Wedding William and Kate 2-Pack Doll Gift Set

Barbie Royal Wedding Will and Kate Set

Some of us tend to get carried away with fairytales and happily-ever-afters, which is why the coverage of Prince William’s and Kate Middleton’s marriage has been the gong show it is. With Kate being as stunning as a Barbie doll, the fairytale is that much more believable. Come to think of it, Will […]