8-Bit Flower Bouquet

8-Bit Flower Bouquet

If mom is a geek, surprise her on Mother’s Day with the 8-Bit Flower Bouquet. Most mom’s won’t appreciate the retro-gaming 8-bit pixelated flowers, but remember that if you have kids you also need to have a present for your wife (or baby-mama if you […]

JetLev Flyer

JetLev Flyer Water Jet Pack

Everyone has seen video of people flying around in a jet pack, such as footage from the 1960’s of the Bell Rocket Belt in action, and wished that they had a jetpack of their own. However, there are some major problem with flying around with […]

Ctrl+O Bottle Opener

Ctrl+O Bottle Opener

You don’t really have to be the most tech savvy person to know what the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O does on a Windows computer. (In case you don’t, however, then maybe the actual function of this tool will tell you.) Presenting the Ctrl+O Bottle Opener, the […]

LED Umbrella

LED Umbrella

Raindrops keep falling on my head. Are you feeling a bit waterlogged lately? Well you can’t change the bad weather, but you can book a trip to sunny L.A. – or- give crapulous weather the middle finger by stepping out with the awesome Lumadot LED Umbrella.

Harry Potter Basilisk Bookend Sculpture

Harry Potter Basilisk Bookend Sculpture

Keep your collection of Harry Potter books neatly on your bookshelf with the Basilisk Bookend Sculpture. This impressive collectible is a detailed representation of the giant serpent from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It stands 7 inches tall and is designed to serve […]

Mini GPS Tracker

Mini Global GPS Tracker

With the Mini Global GPS Tracker it is possible to track just about anyone or anything—anywhere. Track yourself, your car, your wife, your kids, or just about anything else. It uses Quad-Band GSM technology, so it can be used just about anywhere in the world. […]

Slush Mugs

Slush Mug

Do you love icy cold Slushees, Slurpies or Icees on a hot summer’s day but can’t quite muster up the strength to go get one at the gas station? Do yourself a favor by buying a 12 oz. Slush Mug and have Slushees on a daily basis—all without ice or a blender.

Medieval Weapons Pushpin

Medieval Weapons Pushpins Set

Geeks are not physically violent by nature, but put them in fictitious arenas of warfare like chess, Halo or role-playing games and they become downright medieval and scary. Made to delight geeks and weapon lovers alike, the Medieval Weapons Pushpins Set is a silent but deadly way to post serious notes […]

Lego ARF Trooper

LEGO Star Wars Promotions

The Lego Shop online is offering special LEGO Star Wars Promotions for two days only. For May 3 & 4, 2011, they are offering 3 exclusive offers. One of the special offers in a free exclusive Lego mini figure that you get with a purchase […]

Etch-A-Sketch iPad Case

Etch-A-Sketch iPad Case

Now that you’ve forked over the cash to purchase your very own iPad or iPad2, it’s probably wise to invest a little extra in a protective case for it as well. The Etch-A-Sketch iPad Case not only protects your iPad from scratches and collateral damage, but could potentially […]

Blue LED Digital Watch

Blue LED Digital Watch

There are many LED watches out there, such as the Crazy Hour Watch, Sauron Watch, Cryogen Watch, and Light Speed Watch. This Blue LED Digital Watch is different than most in that it features a leather band instead of using rubber, plastic or metal. It […]

ATM Savings Bank

ATM Savings Bank

Remember the Cash Machine Bank from a few weeks ago? This ATM Savings Bank is very similar, except that it can automatically recognize UK coins, while the other one could recognize Australian coins. It comes with a bank card and you set your 4 digit […]

Misoka Toothbrush

Misoka Toothbrush

Got a kid who hates brushing his teeth? Worried that he’s going to end up toothless by the ripe, young age of twenty-five? Never fear, because the Misoka Toothbrush is here.

Gummy Army Men

Gummy Army Men

Recently we posted about Super Mario Gummy Candy, and now we present Gummi Army Guys. These gummy candies look just like the green plastic army men soldiers kids used to play with a generation or two ago. In fact, they still keep the look of […]