Wonder Woman Hobo Bag

Wonder Woman Hobo Bag

You can be Wonder Woman in the bedroom with the Wonder Woman Superhero Pyjamas, Wonder Woman in the kitchen by wearing the Wonder Woman Apron, or Wonder Woman out in the public eye when you carry around the Wonder Woman Hobo Bag. They say vibrant colors […]

Binoculars Flask

Binoculars Flask

If the idea of carrying a flask is supposed to provide you with a drink while keeping things on the down low, than this Binoculars Flask will be perfect for taking that little nip while bird watching. Each side of this flask holds 8 oz […]

Monkey - Fun for Feet Slipper Socks

Monkey Slipper Socks

When you get home from a long work day it usually feels good to kick off your work shoes and put something comfortable on. For most of us, that usually entails some type of outfit. Maybe the Suitjamas or if you’re feeling a little wild, […]

Heated Neck Warmer

Sanyo Eneloop Neck Warmer

I have yet to find a sweater or turtleneck that can keep me adequately warm when the cold winds blow during an especially bad storm–until now, that is. The Sanyo Eneloop Neck Warmer is more than just an extension of your sweater, because it’s actually […]

ADIDAS ORIGINALS Jeremy scott gorilla sneakers

Gorilla Sneakers

Nobody’s ever too old for plush toys. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Aside from that, they now come in various forms, from plain plush toys to keychains to pillows. And now, they even come on shoes too, like the gorilla on these […]

Math geek Onesie I'm acute baby

Math Geek Baby Onesie

In post-celebration of Pi Day, here is a baby onesie that says it all. Introducing the Math Geek Baby Onesie that says “I’m acute baby.” We all know that babies of geeks usually turn out to be rock stars, but math geek parents will try […]

Guinness Beer Luck of the Irish T-Shirt

Green Guinness Beer T-Shirt

I don’t even want to know how much shamrock juice it takes to turn a pint of Guinness beer green. Rumor has it that you could turn into a glowing leprechaun or possibly a bug-eyed alien if you consume too much shamrock juice on St. Patty’s Day. Instead, why […]

Star Wars Fighting Empire T-Shirt

Star Wars Fighting Empire T-Shirt

I believe just about everyone has heard of the “Fighting Irish,” and if you haven’t then you probably aren’t celebrating St. Patrick’s Day anyway. The Star Wars Fighting Empire T-Shirt was designed by Jimiyo and places our favorite Star Wars bad guys (Boba Fett, Darth […]

Official Leprechaun Facial Fur

Official Leprechaun Facial Fuzz

Hooray, St. Patrick’s Day is coming up this weekend! Time to have a couple pints of cold, green beer. If you’re having difficulties growing fiery-red sideburns like I am, then it’s time to take a shortcut and get the complete set of Official Leprechaun Facial Fuzz. But beware. After you […]

Star Trek Ties

Star Trek Ties

These Star Trek Ties add some nerd flair to your wardrobe, while keeping things very classy. In fact, unless they look closely, others may not even notice that you are wearing a Star Trek tie. The design is simple and yet completely amazing, because they […]