
Reindeer PyroPet Candle

You might not know it but the person who sang about chestnuts roasting over an open fire was talking about the Reindeer PyroPet Candle. Okay, maybe not, but nothing says holiday cheer like a reindeer going up in flames, slowly revealing the metal skeleton beneath […]


A Christmas Story Ugly Sweater

Prepare to win all the ugly sweater contests with the awesomeness that is the A Christmas Story Ugly Sweater. I’ll give you a moment to recover from the sight. You’ve seen plenty of ugly sweaters, ranging from the Friday the 13th 8-Bit Glow-in-the Dark Knit […]


Love That Joker Art Print

Inspired by the 1989 movie, Batman, artist Glen Brogan created this colorful Love That Joker Art Print, featuring new and improved Joker products. Hit the beach and show off your smooth ivory skin, rosy red lips, and emerald hair, looking so natural only your undertaker […]


Batman 66′ Art Print

The Dynamic Duo races into action on the Batman 66′ Art Print. Limited to only 150 pieces, this 18″ x 24″ print is comprised of 18 different colors… which is very cool for a screenprinting project. Based on the Batman television series from the late […]


Doctor Who Coloring Book

A green TARDIS? A pink Weeping Angel? The power is yours with the Doctor Who Coloring Book as you harness the power of the rainbow to affect all of Time and Space. Get creative with the universe of Doctor Who with this 96-page books that […]


Joker Skinned T-Shirt

The Clown Prince of Crime loses face in a big way on the Joker Skinned T-Shirt, proving that his madness is much more than skin deep. The New 52 brought a lot of WTF moments to the DC universe, but none of them were bigger […]


Star Wars Princess Leia Dress

Dress like the daughter of Darth Vader with the Star Wars Princess Leia Dress. Making out with your brother while he’s recovering from a Wampa attack is optional. She’s a general these days in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but way back in the day […]