Ruger Revolver iPhone 4 Dock

Ruger Revolver iPhone 4 Dock

Have you heard of They are cool site that bring creative ideas to life by means of 3D printing machines & technologies. One such idea is this Ruger Revolver iPhone 4 Dock. Perfect for gun enthusiasts, law enforcement officers, and people that just enjoy […]

Dancing Toy Cat

Dancing Cat

Remember the Hip Hop Pet Loudspeaker that would dance to the beat of your music while it played it out loud? Or the Magic Music Monkey that makes for a more adorable dancing partner? If you’re neither a robotic dog nor monkey person, then you […]

Pac-Man Wall Clock

Pac-Man Wall Clock

The Pac-Man Wall Clock kind of looks like you’ve got some sort of pie (with a slice missing) as a clock. But really, you know that it’s more than just a pie-resembling clock if you are: a.) into gaming; b.) are familiar with Pac-Man; or […]

Dexter Kill Outfit Bobblehead

Dexter Bobbleheads

Dexter Week continues at, and today’s secret ingredient is Bobbleheads! While not as inventive as the Blood Spatter Coasters or Heat Changing Mug, these Dexter Bobbleheads make a great collectible for fans. Every collection should have the Dexter Morgan “Kill Suit” bobble head, but […]

Automatic Mini Donut Maker

Automatic Mini Donut Maker

Move over Cake Pop Bakery, now my heart is set on the Automatic Mini Donut Maker. This awesome kitchen appliance automatically makes mini donuts, and what is better than warm, fresh donuts? The dough-nu-matic machine from Nostalgia Electrics automatically forms, fries, and drains delicious donuts […]

Vincent Masuka Bobble Head

Vincent Masuka Bobble Head

Running with the “Dexter” theme of the week, you’d be pleased to know that there is a nice selection of bobble heads made after the fine cast of the cable TV series “Dexter.” My favorite bobble head and character on the show is none other than Vincent Masuka. […]

iControl Ferrari

iControl Ferrari

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a Ferrari, well, today is the day that your dream just might come true. For about fifty bucks, you can own your dream car, albeit a miniature, remote-controlled version of it anyway with the iControl Ferrari. The iControl Ferrari […]

Ugly Christmas Sweater Shirt

Ugly Christmas Sweater T-Shirts

‘Tis the Season for ugly Christmas sweaters. Even if you don’t like wearing sweaters, you can fit right in with your dorky relatives this holiday season with these Ugly Christmas Sweater T-Shirts. Imagine the fun of fooling your family and friends into thinking you’re wearing […]