Google Plus

Follow GeekAlerts on Google+

If you’re on Google+ please follow the brand new GeekAlerts Google+ Page. They opened up their platform to websites (as opposed to just people) a few months ago, but we finally had the chance to set up our page now. Thank You! We are very […]

Twitter Poster

Twitter Poster

The power of Twitter is everywhere as that little blue bird unites the world 140 characters at a time, and now you can have your tweets united to transform your profile picture into a unique portrait with the Twitter Poster. There’s an old saying that […]

Social Media Fridge Magnets

Social Media Fridge Magnets

It’s a fine line between the real and virtual world. For some, both are already colliding. If you’d like to celebrate the influence of social media in your life nowadays, then the Social Media Fridge Magnets are an easy way to do all that. If […]