Superplexus 3D Game

Superplexus 3D Game of Skill

If you like keeping the old noggin sharp by doing crazy puzzles such as the 3-D IQ Sphere, the Superplexus 3D Game of Skill is going to blow your mind. After all, Napoleon Dynamite got pretty far by realizing that “chicks dig guys with skills.” […]

Candy Grabber Machine

Arcade-Style Candy Grabber Machine

With lots of candy-laden holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter, we often find ourselves baffled over how we possibly wound up with such a huge stash of candy. How about putting that pile of candy in an Arcade-Style Candy Grabber Machine?

Sudoku Rubik's Cube

Sudoku Rubik’s Cube

If you’re bored with your Rubik’s Cube you can combine it with the challenge of Sudoku with the Sudoku Puzzle Cube. It isn’t exactly a Sudoku puzzle, as the challenge is to get the numbers 1 through 9 on each of the six sides of […]


Khet 2.0 Laser Game

Laser Tag combined with chess is nothing new. We’ve seen the power of the ancient Egyptians and their mastery of light and mirrors with the Khet Laser Game but the “best laser game of all time” just got a major upgrade. Say hello to the […]

Baffler Jigsaw Puzzle

Baffler Jigsaw Puzzles

These Baffler Jigsaw Puzzles feature abstract designs and odd-shaped pieces to make them especially challenging to put together. Because they are so complicated, they take a while to solve despite having a relatively small number of pieces.

iPhone Slot Machine Dock

iPhone/iPod Slot Machine Dock

Transform your iPhone or iPod touch into a mini Vegas style slot machine with iPhone Jackpot Slots. It functions as a regular iPhone dock for charging and syncing, but also has a red-knobbed slot machine handle. Launch the free app, and you get a realistic […]

Domino Wall Clock

Domino Wall Clock

Carbon Design Group, a product development consultancy based in Seattle, has come up with the idea of designing a clock inspired by the dominoes game pieces. The concept is simple. Three larger-than-life dominoes are equipped with articulating “dots” that flip back-and-forth between black and white […]

Space Invaders Juice

Space Invaders Juice

The New Movement “ideas generator” company has come up with a fun and cool series of fruit juice cartons inspired by Space Invaders, the classic arcade video game that was released by the Japanese game developer Taito back in the 70s.


Animated Pong Clock

This cool DIY clock kit from Adafruit Industries comes with an animated Pong inspired display by default, but it can easily be hacked into just about anything you want. You’ll need some basic soldering & hand tools that are necessary to assemble it. The good […]