Doctor Who Key Chain

Doctor Who Keychain

Sure, the Doctor has a key to the TARDIS, but does he have this sharp-looking Doctor Who Keychain? No, he doesn’t, which means you can actually have something the Doctor is lacking… and how often can one say that? The approximately 3-inch-long keychain features plenty […]


Doctor Who TARDIS Dress

Hey ladies. This Doctor Who TARDIS Dress will get you noticed. You may even get noticed by a Timelord who asks you to travel with him in his big blue box. This cute dress is perfect for a night out, or to wear to a […]

Doctor Who JokerBox T-Shirt

Doctor Who JokerBox T-Shirt

Time and Space will never be the same because the Doctor Who JokerBox T-Shirt reveals a new Time Lord and Companion in control of the TARDIS. Can you imagine what would happen if the Joker and Harley Quinn had the power to travel through time? […]

Doctor Who Hanging TARDIS T-Shirt

Doctor Who Hanging TARDIS T-Shirt

Nobody hangs around like the Doctor, as shown on the Doctor Who Hanging TARDIS T-Shirt. You have to hand it to the Time Lord; he knows how to keep things interesting. Nothing can ruin a Time Lord’s day like having his time-and-space-travelling blue box carried […]


Doctor Who Gamer T-Shirt

This awesome Doctor Who Gamer T-Shirt mashes up two of our favorite things, Doctor Who and Pac-Man. If you have ever wanted to play a game where the TARDIS chases Daleks around a maze this is the shirt for you. The fictional game is on […]