Plush Puppy Bouquet

Plush Puppy Bouquet

The Plush Puppy Bouquet gives that special someone 6 plush puppies in a beautiful wrap. Dog lovers are going to flip for this gift. You get 2 corgi / chihuahua types + 2 chocolate lab / pit bull types + 2 bulldog / pug / […]

Freezy Pup Treats

Freezy Pup Treats

A few weeks after getting my puppy, I encountered one problem that I’m sure a lot of other dog owners do: picky eating. My Shih Tzu pup would pick through her food and leave it untouched for hours until I go over and hand-feed her […]

Da Bomb

Da Bomb Dog Toy

My playful four month old puppy just loves it when I get her one of those doggie toys that squeak and squeal whenever she pounces on them or when I throw them across the room for her to fetch. The Da Bomb Dog Toy is […]

Doggy Snack Pack

Doggy Snack Pack

So you’re sitting in your living room, watching a rerun of the Super Bowl and stuffing handfuls of popcorn into your mouth, when your dog trots toward you with an expectant look. Not all human food is fit for dogs, but who says your canine […]