Moose Head Bottle Opener

Moose Head Bottle Opener

We all need a little help opening bottles from time to time, but have you ever considered enlisting the help of a moose? The Moose Head Bottle Opener will handle it for you. Aside from looking like a silly mounted head, this guy makes quick […]

Ew Hand Sanitizer

Ew Hand Sanitizer

Gross. Yucky. Ew. Yep, that sums up germs. You’ll want a good hand sanitizer if you are worried about cleanliness. Ew Hand Sanitizer to the rescue. After all, everything that you touch is full of germs, whether it’s your computer, door knobs, even your own […]

German Oktoberfest Apron

German Oktoberfest Apron

Oktoberfest. What a magical time. Drinking beer in lederhosen, singing songs and dancing with buxom Frauleins. But not all of us can attend an authentic German Oktoberfest, let alone a knockoff at the local pub. The German Oktoberfest Apron will at least make you feel […]

Super Hero in a Box

Super Hero in a Box

If only we could all be Super Heroes and have a secret identity. If only there were a kit you could buy to make you an instant hero. Wait. There is. Super Hero in a Box has everything you need to be a Hero.

Pro Thumb Wrestling Arena

Pro Thumb Wrestling Arena

Thumb wrestling is an essential part of childhood, so why not make it more like a professional sport. Give it some screaming fans, some bright lights and an arena. Well, the arena is taken care of at least, thanks to the Pro Thumb Wrestling Arena.

Pickle Adhesive Bandages

Pickle Adhesive Bandages

Did you know that pickles can help to heal cuts and scrapes? It must be something special about pickle juice. Or maybe the soil that they are grown in. Nope, it’s just that Pickle Adhesive Bandages will cover your wounds and help you heal faster.

Scabs Bandages

Scabs Bandages

Scabs and scrapes and wounds can look pretty gross to begin with, but if they aren’t gross enough for you, you might want to try these fun Scabs Bandages. They are gross, but it’s all in the name of fun. All of the bandages are […]