
United States Zombie Hunting Permit Sticker

While it hasn't been officially announced as of yet, the United States Zombie Hunting Permit Sticker is a good start…

Inflatable Toupee

Some people end up with very little hair by the time they reach a certain age. You can try all…

Wedding Countdown Timer

So you finally took the leap and are counting down to your big day when you tie the knot. This…

Tee Tops Political Golf Tees

Politics. You can't bring it up at dinner. It's an uncivilized business. Hey, they all lie, so just pick one…

50 Shades of Gray Book

By now, most men and women have already heard of or read the steamy novel "Fifty Shades of Grey." That's…

No Tear Toilet Paper

This No Tear Toilet Paper will aid you in carrying off the perfect prank. It's mean sure, but it's also…

Doodie Mug

GeekAlerts has shown you mugs with a Shark, Squirrel, Octopus and even a Jesus Face in them, but now you…

The Book of Beer Awesomeness

Are you looking for the perfect coffee table beer pong table book? The Book of Beer Awesomeness is 206 pages…

Toxic Gases Toilet Caution Cone

Sometimes when others use the bathroom before you they can leave behind a nasty surprise. As in a foul odor.…

Redneck Wine Glass

Everyone's definition of classy is different. Different strokes for different folks. Some might prefer a regular wine glass, while others…

Bikestache Giant Bicycle Mustache

You've got a 'stache. Presumably. So your bike should have one too. Something to make it look rugged and manly.…

Eggstraterrestrial Novelty Egg Cup

Make your morning egg out of this world with this Eggstraterrestrial Novelty Egg Cup. It will stare at you with…

Financial Crisis Survival Kit

Times are tough and money doesn't exactly grow on trees these days, but the Financial Crisis Survival Kit can make…

Fake Science 101

Not everything that is touted as scientific fact is true. This Fake Science 101 book will help you sort through…

50 Shades of Grey Poster

First vampires and werewolves had their heyday in the "Twilight" series. Then it was time for kids killing kids in…

Snail Oil Soap

Doesn't the thought of bathing in a giant tub of snails just make you grin from ear to ear?  Baby,…

Kama Pootra Book

You've read the Kama Sutra. If you have mastered everything that book has to teach you, then it is time…

IGGI Angry Chef Paper Towel Holder

Greedy pigs have learned that stirring anger amongst birds means war. Greedy pigs are quickly learning that it's wise not to anger chefs in the kitchen, either. When…

Zombie Soap

Zombies are undead. They shuffle around on streets and eat brains. So they aren't going to smell very good. They…

Insults & Comebacks For All Occasions Book

You never know when you're going to need a quick insult or comeback. It may be when a stranger tries…