Kama Pootra Book

You’ve read the Kama Sutra. If you have mastered everything that book has to teach you, then it is time to move onto the Kama Pootra Book. You’ll be a regular grunting and gastric guru by the time you are done. And when you are done, don’t forget to wipe.

This humorous book will teach you over 50 different poses to do while you are on the toilet. It includes funny and informative info about each pose, so you will be well educated.

This hilarious book will transform you into a regular poop guru by teaching you over 50 different poses to do on the loo! Includes funny and informative info about each pose, as well as sections for couples and the outdoors. You’re just one step away from porcelain nirvana, folks. 115 pages of bathroom wisdom. 5.25x.25″

There are also sections for couples and the outdoors. If you are into that sort of thing. It’s your dooty to give it a try. Only $11.95 at Fredflare.com, from $5.40 at Amazon.com and $10.14 at Barnes & Noble.

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