Worst Case Scenario Survival Card Game

Do you know what you’re supposed to do when you’re being chased by a swarm of angry bees? How about fending off a shark when you’re out swimming and happen to see one approaching you? These are obviously situations you won’t normally find yourself in, but that doesn’t mean there’s no possibility of it ever happening. A way to educate yourself while having a bit of fun is with the Worst Case Scenario Survival Card Game Tin, which is a portable, travel edition of the Worst Case Scenario Board Game.

Just gather around your travel mates, pop the Worst Case Scenario Tin open, and start sifting through the cards and see if you’re the type who will know what to do in a bad situation or not.

Worst Case Scenario Tin

Have you ever had to escape from the boot of a car; cross a piranha-infested river; escape from quicksand; or otherwise come up smiling from a life-or-death situation? Well even if you haven’t, the Worst Case Scenario Tin is a great way to test your survival skills without leaving your favorite spot on the couch.

Go head to head with a friend, or the whole family, answering multiple choice survival questions. The first to answer five questions correctly wins! The scenarios range from the hair-raising to the hilarious, but each correct answer will put you one step closer to survival. Great fun for all ages, it’ll come in really handy next time you need to leap from a motorcycle to a moving car.

The Worst Case Scenario Tin is available for pre-order from Firebox for £9.99 ($16.)

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