
Vampire Hunter Kit

You never know when you are going to run into some supernatural adversaries, especially vampires. Those guys are crazy. They…

M48 Tactical Survival Series Spear, Hammer & Axe

With the ever-looming threat of a Zombie Apocalypse, it's always a good idea to be prepared. And the M48 Tactical…

Emergency Chili Mac

Sometimes you just really want chili Mac and for those times, break out this Emergency Chili Mac. It should say…

Zombie Defense Solutions: 3-Day Survival Kit

If you're a fan of all things zombie, or you just need a cool little survival kit, this Zombie Defense…

Goal Zero Escape 150 Adventure Kit

If the Goal Zero Yeti is a bit too much for your solar charging needs, then you should consider the…

Vehicle Emergency Escape Tool

You never know when an accident or natural disaster may occur and something as simple as this $10 Vehicle Emergency…

Zombie Survival Playing Cards

There isn't much to do in the apocalypse. Between shooting Zombies in the head and trying to find food, you'll…

Eton Hand-Crank Emergency Cell Phone Charger

Cell phones are great for fun and games, and they're especially handy during emergencies... except when they lose power and…

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter

Water, water, everywhere, and none of it to drink. Let's face it. Nature and Man don't always see eye-to-eye on…

Survival Seed Vault – Heirloom Emergency Survival Seeds

Be prepared for the apocalypse with the Survival Seed Vault - Heirloom Emergency Survival Seeds. If a giant meteorite impact,…

M48 Apocalypse Series Axe & Karambit

Some of you may call them weapons, others will say they're survival gear; but for us, the M48 Apocalypse Series…

Ridge Runner EMT Assisted Open Knife Set

Many items on GeekAlerts are more fun than practical. (They may be really cool, but you don't really need a…

Zombie Survival Kit Lunch Box

The Zombie apocalypse will be pretty tough. You are going to get hungry. So take this Zombie Survival Kit Lunch…

SOG B69W Powerlock Multi-Tool

This SOG Specialty Knives and Tools B69W Powerlock Multi-Tool will come in handy for all kinds of things, whether it's…

Knaxe Knife-Axe Survival Tool

When the zombies come you are going to want a weapon that will carry you through. This handy weapon is…

Tactical Sammich

We all need to eat and food will be difficult to come by in a post-apocalyptic world...or any other emergency…

Tac Snac Tactical Snack Sticks

What are you going to eat when the Zombies attack? You are bound to get very hungry fighting for survival.…

Henry U.S. Survival AR-7 Compact Rifle

Sure it's only .22 LR caliber, but a headshot is a headshot and this lightweight portable Henry U.S. Survival AR-7…

Forbidden Knowledge Book

Knowledge is power and the more you have the better you'll be...especially when there is no one else around to…

Ka-Bar Zombie Killer Knives

Ask anyone that knows about knives and they will tell you Ka-Bar is an excellent knife manufacturer, and with all…