Star Wars Darth Vader 3D Reconstruction Log

Darth Vader. He’s the most feared Sith Lord that has ever lived and the only former Jedi with a higher known midi-chlorian count than master Yoda. Feared by the rebels and revered by outcasts throughout the Star Wars Galaxy, you need only mention his name to cause anxiety. Now it’s our turn to see what makes him tick. Get inside the man that Obi-Wan Kenobi once mentored and proclaimed that is more machine than man.

The Star Wars Darth Vader 3D Reconstruction Log gives you a 3D breakdown of all the technology that makes Lord Vader the man behind the helmet. The cutaway book dissects Vader layer by layer, giving you an in detail look at cross sections of his suit, helmet, voice synthesizer, advanced prosthetics, computerized bio-system, and much more.

Find out what Dark Forces power Darth Vader.

This hard cover book is great for Star Wars fans of all ages. Learn and see all the technological details that power and create Darth Vader. You can purchase the Star Wars Darth Vader 3D Reconstruction Log at ThinkGeek for $19.99 and at from $11.30.

The below video gives a great inside look at the Star Wars Darth Vader 3D Reconstruction book.

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