
Money Toilet Paper

If you think that your toilet is your own personal throne and that nothing substandard should ever touch your bottom,…

I’m a Man Beard

Beards have been known to change people completely. Look at how that bushy beard transformed Joaquin Phoenix into a major punk when he was…

Radio Controlled Rat

One thing that will almost automatically freak most women out (me included) are rats. The only thing freakier is a…

Poop Soap

Imagine seeing a long piece of poop on your kitchen or bathroom sink. Also, imagine the accompanying scream that such…

Glow in the Dark Toilet Paper

We've seen a lot of quirky toilet papers lately. There was the Alien Toilet Paper which is enough to give…

Zombie Hand Peel ‘N Place Toilet Topper

Halloween is right around the corner; and it's time to set up some creepy house decorations and prepare some ghoul-y…

Shakespearean Insult Gum

Now here's some gum served up with a twist. Have you ever had the urge to throw an insult or…

Prank Foaming Lighter

My grandfather passed away from lung cancer, and we've all always blamed it on his addictive smoking habits. If you've…


You know those cartoons that show characters giving one another wedgies and pulling the other one's underwear over their heads?…

Instant Underpants

When you find yourself in a stinky sticky situation, the first thing you must do is not panic. It doesn't…

Instant Snow

In areas of the world that doesn't get snow when winter comes, the Instant Snow steps up to the plate…

Humphrey the Humping Dog

My Shih Tzu is a female but for some reason, she humps my leg. At first, I thought it was…

What’s For Lunch Spin Wheel

If you're pretty indecisive when it comes to picking out what you're going to be having for lunch, then we've…

Money Printing Kit

A fun way to get your child's imagination moving is by working on DIY or craft projects together. While the…

Humping USB Dog

Warning: this Humping USB Dog is for folks who are eighteen years old and above, so if you're still underage,…

Just Like Dad Candy Cigarettes

Got a husband (or dad) who just won't quit smoking, no matter how you beg and plead with him to…

Doggie Doo Game

The Doggie Doo Game is exactly what it sounds like. I'm not sure you can call it a game at…

Weird Lips Sippin Straws

If for some reason you'd like to freak people out and make your pretty (or handsome) face look freakishly ugly,…

Bacon Flavored Toothpicks

I don't really understand why so many products are being released to satisfy the ultimate bacon aficionado's taste buds. We've…

Butcher’s Apron

Here is a good item for a practical joke that is also practical. Invite your friends to dinner and when…