Money Printing Kit

A fun way to get your child’s imagination moving is by working on DIY or craft projects together. While the Money Printing Kit isn’t something that requires a whole lot of assembly or gluing some wooden or metal parts together, it will provide you and your little ones a few hours or so of fun and creative entertainment.

The Money Printing Kit lets you design and stamp out your own currencies in whatever amounts you want. Of course, you have to remind your child that it’s all just for fun and not an activity to be taken seriously. You wouldn’t want to raise them to become counterfeiters, do you? (Which is a question that I’m sure you’ll reply to with an, “Of course not!”)

Money Printing Kit

The joys of Money Making are not always perceived as ‘joys’. Sometimes they involve shoveling horse poop and sometimes even robbing a vending machine. However, this way of Making Money will put an ear-to-ear smile on even the laziest, penny-pincher. You can setup shop in some basement somewhere with a single light bulb, and lots of sweat on your forehead and stained dress shirt. You’ll have an underground ring of counterfeit cash just like the old days. Sketchy people will show up at your place and your mom or dad will usher them down to your basement ‘office’ to ‘practice violin’.

The Money Printing Kit is available from for $13.99.

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