Potato Clock

If you paid attention to your science classes back when you were still in school, then you will understand quite easily how the Potato Clock works. There’s no need for any batteries or electricity to power up the simple digital clock that comes with the kit. In fact, all you’ll need is a couple of potatoes and the included electrodes and you’re good to go.

The Potato Clock is for geeks and anyone that wants to have a very unusual clock on display (although you will need a constant supply of potatoes to keep it running, which isn’t very wasteful if you’re willing to eat them up after plugging them in. If you dare..)

Potato Clock

You may know potatoes as a good source of potassium, but did you know they can be used to power an alarm clock? This kit contains a digital clock and the instructions and everything you need (except the spuds) to run it. The two Potato Clock allows you to generate enough electricity to run a digital clock using potatoes! Just push the zinc and copper electrodes into the potatoes causing an oxidation/reduction reaction that is converted to low voltage.

  • Be a scientist as you discover how to power the digital clock with potatoes
  • A unique experimental kit that inspires young scientists
  • Turn the kids onto the notion of leaving a smaller carbon footprint

The Potato Clock is available at Amazon from $7.99.

Some other clocks that are still quirky that don’t need potatoes to keep them running are the Z Clock and the Space Alien Alarm Clock.

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