
Healthy Microwave Potato Chip Maker

Most everyone loves potato chips, and a similar percentage of us are also trying to eat better. Fortunately, you can…

Baked Potato Bean Bag Chair with Butter Pillow

When you're on the go, just wrap yourself and grab a few Zzz's in the Slice of Pizza Sleeping Bag.…

Dark Knight Spud

This is either the craziest or the coolest Dark Knight toy, depending on your perspective. Either way, the Dark Knight…

Portal 2 PotatOS Science Kit

Get a potato, hook it up to the Portal 2 PotatOS Science Kit, and be prepared to be educated and…

Potato Clock

If you paid attention to your science classes back when you were still in school, then you will understand quite…

Potato USB Hub

Can you handle another USB gadget that looks like something you could eat? I'll make it short. It's a 4-port…