Emergency Toilet Seat Covers

I’m not a very huge fan of public toilets, but what can you do if you really have to go? Of course some are pretty clean, but there are always those that could use a good old scrubbing. And if you somehow find yourself stuck in one of those latter toilets, then fear not if you’ve got a tin of the Emergency Toilet Seat Covers in your bag. Just pop it open, take one out, and place it over the toilet before doing your thing.

If you weren’t able to get to the toilet in time and somehow soiled your underwear (hey, it happens, even to the best of us), then you can just change into one of these Uh-Oh Emergency Underpants or Instant Underpants.

Emergency Toilet Seat Covers

  • Always be prepared!
  • What a novel(ty) idea!
  • Makes a great, wacky gift!

With careful planning you might be able to avoid public restrooms for awhile. However, one day nature is going to call and you will have no choice but to swing open a stall door and confront the situation. When that happens, you better be sure to have a tin of these Emergency Toilet Seat Covers with you or things could get really interesting. Each 2 1/2-inches tall x 3 1/4-inches wide x 3/4-inch long tin contains four disposable seat covers.

The Emergency Toilet Seat Covers are available for pre-order from Entertainment Earth for $5.99.

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