
Tanita Handheld Body Smell Checker

Do you smell? Seriously, do you stink? Even if you shower regularly and practice good hygiene, how do you know…

STACK Infinity Bar Soap

STACK Infinity Bar Soap is unique because you can piggyback your old slivers of soap onto it thanks to it's…

Working Man’s Hygiene Kit

Geeks and dudes alike have a reputation for not having very good hygiene. It isn't that men don't want to…

Animal Scrubby Manicure Brushes

Flip-flops and sandals season is here, which means that your toenails better not look all crusty and ghetto. To the rescue come four delightful…

Breakfast Dental Floss

So you just had waffles for breakfast, and are now flossing with some Bacon Floss. You might want to savor…

Bacon Floss

We live in a bacon world and many of us can't get enough of it. After you finish off that…

Shewee Extreme

I've said it time and time again that it's unfair how guys can just pee wherever they want to and…

Stealth Toothbrush Sanitizer

My sister is this huge neat and anti-germ freak. She used to change her sheets daily and have all of…

Fight Club Soap

Everyone who's seen Fight Club or has at least seen one of the movie's posters will instantly recognize the Fight…

Emergency Toilet Seat Covers

I'm not a very huge fan of public toilets, but what can you do if you really have to go?…

ManGroomer Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver

Hairy backs are a turnoff. It might seem like a shallow and mean thing to say, but guys, it's just…

Poo-Pourri and Trap-a-Crap

Have you looked inside your bathroom lately? Emergency Toilet Paper in place? Check. The Maze Puzzle Novelty Toilet Paper still…

Misoka Toothbrush

Got a kid who hates brushing his teeth? Worried that he's going to end up toothless by the ripe, young…

USB Shaver

A new stylish and more effective alternative to this Rechargeable USB Shaver has now been released and is offered in…