World’s Largest Write-On Map

One way to start thinking globally is to understand where all the countries in the world are located. Well, the world is so large that it’s pretty hard to wrap your brain around it without studying a map for hours, days, months, or years. A better way to learn about the geography is to study it up close and personal with the World’s Largest Write-On Map.

This map is a great learning tool for both kids and adults. Don’t wait for Borat to educate you on trivial places such as Kazakhstan. And never be puzzled again when you hear a country’s name during the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

The World’s Largest Write On Map Mural
This is the only accurately detailed, eight-color mural of the world that covers nearly 9 by 13 feet of wall space. Capitals, countries, major cities, up-to-date political boundaries, time zones, shipping lanes, nautical miles, ocean depths and more are all clearly indicated at a scale of 160 statute miles to the inch; current as of 2011. Laminated surface may be written on time and again with a dry-erase marker (one included).

  • Eight panels can be hung as one piece or individually. Simple instructions and adhesive for hanging are included.
  • 8’8″ H x 13′ L. (5 lbs.)

The write-on, wipe-off feature makes it fun to plan trips or keep track of where you’ve been and pinpoint important locations without using a pin or thumbtacks. Adhesive is included with the map, so that means no holes will be drilled in the wall. Covering a nine by thirteen feet area of wall space, the map makes for beautiful yet practical decor that will engage anyone who crosses its path.

The World’s Largest Write-On Map is $149.95 through SkyMall and Hammacher Schlemmer.

To strengthen other areas of the brain in a big way, you could also set up the World’s Largest Scrabble Game and World’s Largest Crossword Puzzle.

View Comments (1)

  • It's a bit too tall for my walls, but maybe if enough of them are sold it will no longer be necessary for America to engage in otherwise-unneeded wars?

    ("War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." — Ambrose Bierce)

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