U.S. Navy Seals Shirts, Hats and Hoodies

Information related to Osama Bin Laden being killed is overwhelming world-wide news outlets right now. Even here on GeekAlerts, the last few entries have been related to that news, even though these posts really aren’t about gizmos, gadgets, design, or geekiness. It’s just that this news is in the forefront of everybody’s mind, and we can’t get our hands on any secret military hardware or special forces gadgets used in the mission to really tie this event in with geek news. However, the US Navy Seals, who just complete a very heroic mission successfully, have a really cool logo, and so the best we can do is look at some of the items emblazoned with their design.

Amazon.com has a wide variety of Navy Seal Hats. One the best is the deluxe Navy Seal cap pictured above. It is embroidered with the Navy Seals Trident emblem (aka Special Warfare insignia or “The Budweiser”) and looks really cool. It also has embroidered lettering that says “Navy Seal” and a Velcro size adjuster. Another cool one available at Amazon is the Navy Seals Headwraps (i.e. Do Rag).

Amazon also has many different Navy Seal Shirts available. One of the coolest is the Special Warfare Development T-Shirt pictured above (as well as a very similar Hoodie). What makes this one especially bad-ass right now is that it isn’t a generic Navy Seals shirt, it is for U.S. Navy Seal Team Six, which is the group that successfully carried out the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden.

So why does the shirt say DEVGRU?

Currently, Seal Team Six (ST6) is formally called the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG). It is commonly referred to as DevGru (short for Development Group) since it is much easier to say, but many people just call it SEAL Team Six, which is its former name.

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