
DC Comics Salute to Service 9Twenty Adjustable Hats

If Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman is your superhero of choice, one of these DC Comics Salute to Service 9Twenty…

Marvel Salute to Service 9Twenty Adjustable Hats

Yesterday was Veteran's Day, a time to honor military veterans, and it would've also been a good opportunity to wear…

Build Your Own RC Tank

Building something out of LEGO bricks is fun, but it is even better when you can really play with what…

Marvel Captain America Vintage Military Army Backpack

This Marvel Captain America Vintage Military Army Backpack lets you carry your school stuff in a backpack that looks like…

Marvel Captain America Vintage Military Army Bi-Fold Wallet

This Marvel Captain America Vintage Military Army Bi-Fold Wallet is a good looking wallet that is perfect for any Captain…

Luminox RECON Nav SPC Watch

Military style clothes and accessories have always been in, and this watch, the Luminox RECON Nav SPC, is the perfect…

85-Foot Inflatable Military Obstacle Course

Forget about dropping and giving me twenty. You'll just be ready to drop after tackling the 85-Foot Inflatable Military Obstacle…

Luminox 3001 Navy SEAL Dive Watch

One year ago Osama Bin Laden was disposed of by U.S. Navy SEALs from SEAL Team 6. (Check out those…

Drive A Tank

Did you know you can actually Drive A Tank without joining the Army? Drive A Tank, Inc. in Minnesota offers…

Gumdrop Military Edition iPad 2 Case

All you military geeks out there who have the iPad2: here is a protective Gumdrop Military Edition iPad 2 Case to match…

Gummy Army Men

Recently we posted about Super Mario Gummy Candy, and now we present Gummi Army Guys. These gummy candies look just…

U.S. Navy Seals Shirts, Hats and Hoodies

Information related to Osama Bin Laden being killed is overwhelming world-wide news outlets right now. Even here on GeekAlerts, the…

Osama Bin Laden Pinata, TP, Bobblehead, Etc.

Osama Bin Laden is gone, and many people are celebrating. Breaking open an Osama Bin Laden pinata, blowing up a…

U.S. Navy Seal Team Six Pins and Patches

If US Navy Seals are the best of the best, Seal Team 6 is essentially the best of the best…

Ballistic HC (Hard Core) iPhone 4 Case

Today Ballistic announced that their Ballistic HC (Hard Core) case is certified to meet Military Specifications. In fact, it is…

Night Vision Binoculars

These night vision binoculars, licensed by the armed forces of the United Kingdom, features a clear LCD display and works…

Micro Bladez R/C Apache Helicopter

Here is the latest addition to the growing line of radio-controlled Micro Bladez mini choppers - an indoor R/C toy…