The Vroominator

With today’s gas prices soaring, fuel economy is a major issue and performance usually suffers when gas mileage improves. So if you have a tiny four cylinder engine that saves you lots of money at the pump, but doesn’t quite provide you with the audio pleasure you want, try out The Vroominator. The Vroominator plugs into your car’s DC adapter and syncs up with your car’s alternator signal to provide you with some real muscle car sounds.

Simply turn on the radio and you will have all the audible pleasure of a big V8 engine rumbling down the street. As your car engine revs up, the Vroominator does the same matching audio sounds with the cars acceleration and speed. This is a fun little gift for the car enthusiast and it won’t disturb the neighbors since all the V8 sounds are coming from the radio instead of the exhaust.

SoundRacer Street Racing Engine Simulator

  • Makes your boring car sound like it has a Shelby Mustang V8 engine
  • Plug the SoundRacer into your cigarette lighter
  • Easy to calibrate and fine tune to work with your car
  • SoundRacer detects the RPM of your car using the voltage increase in the cigarette lighter and plays the appropriate sounds via your car stereo.
  • Works on most makes and models, does not work on hybrid or electric cars (yet).

Click here for an audio sample.

The Vroominator has been featured on CNBC and MSNBC and is available at Hammacher Schlemmer for $39.95.

UPDATE June 2012: You can now purchase the SoundRacer Street Racing Engine Simulator at ThinkGeek for $34.99.

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