
Working Mini V-Twin Steam Engine

This Working Mini V-Twin Steam Engine is an educational gadget that looks super cool. Leave it on display in your…

Discovery Motor Works Functional Engine Model

Do you know how a motor works? You can learn exactly how with the Discovery Motor Works Functional Engine Model.…

The Vroominator

With today’s gas prices soaring, fuel economy is a major issue and performance usually suffers when gas mileage improves. So…

Three Wheeled 30 mph Scooter Coupe

Are you looking for a way to save gas and money without having to purchase the boring everyday two wheeled…

The External Combustion Kraftwagen

The External Combustion Kraftwagen looks like something that could be in the next Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr.…

Gasket Brushed Aluminum iPhone 4 Case

Gearheads can finally rejoice.  The perfect iPhone case is now available for them and anyone that appreciates high quality products. …

TurboSpoke Bicycle Exhaust System

Using your bicycle is about as green as you can get, but one of the things you sacrifice is the…

V8 Engine Pencil Sharpener

Those of you who enjoyed last year's V8 Alarm Clock now gets a chance to sharpen your pencils in the…

ScanGauge II Automotive Computer

The ScanGauge II Automotive Computer is an easy to install car device that will provide you with a set of…

V8 Alarm Clock

Are you having a hard time getting up when the alarm clock sounds in the morning? Maybe the roaring sound…

The Chevy V8 Grill

Chevy V8 Grill - Alex over at Neatorama has posted a series of photos of a BBQ grill made from…