Working Mini V-Twin Steam Engine

This Working Mini V-Twin Steam Engine is an educational gadget that looks super cool. Leave it on display in your home or office, and people are sure to ask about it, giving you the chance to show off this working engine.

As an educational tool, it doesn’t just teach the power of steam, but this mini V-twin engine actually lets you adjust the V angle to experiment with values between 72 and 180 degrees. Will 90 degrees work best with this V-twin engine? I’m anxious to get ahold of one of these and test it out for myself.

This Gakken Otona no Kagaku Mini V-twin Steam Engine is educational, challenging, and tremendous fun. Harness the power of steam to run a V-twin engine that you build yourself. Use a syringe to put water in the tank and then light the alcohol burner lamp. This will power a maximum output of 2,000 rotations! Then you can connect the assembled steam engine to a toy vehicle with a pulley and create a moving railway or automobile. The twin cylinders are adjustable by 72-180 degrees, so exercise your engineering prowess by experimenting with different angles.

This Gakken Otona no Kagaku Mini V-twin Steam Engine is JPY 11,900 ($110) at Japan Trend Shop. That’s fairly expensive, but there are similar ones on eBay for much cheaper.

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