The Office Support The Rabid Bracelet

You have probably seen people wearing the yellow Livestrong Lance Armstrong Foundation bracelets and the pink Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets; both are very noble causes and should be supported.  But if you listen to the words of Michael Scott, Rabies are what we should really be worried about.  “A woman shouldn’t have to be hit by a car to learn that she may have rabies, but that is where we are in America and that does not sit right with me. That is why I am hosting a fun run race for the cure for rabies to raise awareness of the fact that there is a cure for rabies a disease that has been largely eradicated in the U.S., but not many people know that.” Michael Scott

The Office Support The Rabid Bracelet

Show your support for the cause by wearing your very own The Office Support the Rabid Bracelet! If you’re a really devoted activist, we suggest signing up for Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run For The Cure. But fear not, wearing The Office Support the Rabid Bracelet is probably sufficient. Made of rubber, one size fits all.

Myth: Rabies kills 3 people in America every year.
Fact: Rabies kills 4 people in America every year.

You can help support Michael Scott and his fight against rabies with The Office Support The Rabid Bracelet.  Available at for $5 and at from $5.  If you love The Office, don’t forget to checkout these other cool products: Clue: The Office, The Office Monopoly and The Office Dwights Corporate Ladder Poster.

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