Pocket Therapist

From time to time we could all use a therapist, but there's no need to pay hundreds of dollars an…

Rubber Band Blaster Gun

Whenever I see kids so engrossed in their computer games or handheld video gaming consoles, I just want to tell…

Piano Tie

You won't be able to hang an entire keyboard or Grand Piano around your neck (without breaking it and other…

Gum Cigarettes

If you know a chain smoker and want him (or her) to quit or at least start rethinking his (or…

Hairbrush for Bald Men

My dad is one of the lucky ones. He's pushing sixty but still has a full head of black hair…

Tommy Gun Egg Fryer

Cook up a fun breakfast every morning with the Tommy Gun Egg Fryer. It's a stainless steel egg fryer that…

Mr. Bacon’s Wild Board Game

I'm crazy for bacon. If I could have it every day for breakfast without booking a one way ticket to…

Message Ball

You don't need to send your messages in bottles anymore. While the thought is romantic, it's also not practical. You…

Charlie Sheen Mask

Charlie Sheen has had a pretty rough year, with his problems (although he doesn't see it as such) being constantly…

Santa’s Glove Oven Mitt

With so many cool oven mitts to select from, why not get one to go with the current season? I…

“Hand” Soap

I hate it when I'm talking to someone and they just suddenly go, "Talk to the hand." I think it's…

Light-Up! Pumpkin Ice Cubes

Halloween is right around the corner. It's one of my favorite times of the year because it's when we all…

Extra Nipples Buttons

Two nipples not enough for you? Do you need four or six? Maybe you just had a litter of pretend…

Prank Foaming Lighter

My grandfather passed away from lung cancer, and we've all always blamed it on his addictive smoking habits. If you've…

Neon Drinking Straw Sunglasses

If you want to sip your drink the long way while looking infinitesimally cooler (or weirder--it could go both ways,…

Oh No…Zombies! Board Game

You've seen the countless Zombie movies, you've played the video games, now play the board game. The Oh No…Zombies! Board…

Money Printing Kit

A fun way to get your child's imagination moving is by working on DIY or craft projects together. While the…

Inflatable Treasure Chest Cooler

This Inflatable Treasure Chest Cooler is definitely a must-have for people who love to party. Get your Limbo Set ready,…

Stuck! Goldfish Bath Plug

One thing about goldfish is that they tend to get really big and eventually outgrow small aquariums. They don't realize…

Asses of Evil Toilet Paper

There are just some people who came into this world with nothing but bad or messed up intentions that just…