Hairbrush for Bald Men

My dad is one of the lucky ones. He’s pushing sixty but still has a full head of black hair that makes him look like he’s still in his late forties. I have an uncle who’s much younger (early fifties) who just opted to shave his head when his hairline started to recede. If you want to throw in some humor to this normal aging process for guys, get someone you know (who’s bald) this Hairbrush for Bald Men.

Think of it as something like a “Welcome to the club” type of gag gift. So what will the Hairbrush for Bald Men actually brush, since there’s no more hair left to brush? Why, the head of course! It’s definitely a fun gift to present to someone who’s still coming to terms about his new hairless status.

Hairbrush for Bald Men

Miss the days of brushing your suave locks or just not too crazy about hair? Nonetheless, the enjoyable sensation of brushing hair couldn’t be replicated for Bald Men until now! With the deluxe Bald Brush you can stoke the fine waves of skin on your head to silky smooth perfection. With super smooth and soft, polyester bristles you’ll never feel a tug or tangle like those haired- fools experience. The Brush stores easily in the pocket for on the spot phantom-follicle maintenance. Even people with hair will be trying to cop a stroke of your brush on their lovely locks.

The Hairbrush for Bald Men is available from for $11.99.

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