
Rubik’s Cube Money Box

I knew this guy in college who could take any scrambled up Rubik's cube and solve it in a matter…

Rubik’s Junior Game

If Junior wants to get into the gaming scene, then by all means let him. If anyone you know is…

Rubik’s Cube Speaker

If you love giving your Rubik's Cube a spin once in a while to check if you can still hold…

Rubik’s Cube Alarm Clock with Thermometer

Given up on trying to solve the original Rubik's cube? Try this one instead. It only takes a simple twist…

3-D IQ Sphere: If Rubik’s Cube Was a Ball

If you took the classic Rubik's Cube mechanical puzzle and changed it into the shape of a ball, you'd get…

Rubik’s Cube Hassock

Since the Pac-Man Chair is only a prototype so far, this colorful Rubik's cube hassock will be a great alternative…

Rubik’s Cube Cake

Dream Country shows you how to make your own Rubik's Cube cake. (Via Makezine)

Rubik’s Cube Phone Strap

The 2×2 Cube Puzzle ($2.6) is a mini version of the Rubik's Cube, intended to hang as a little geek…