Rubik’s Junior Game

If Junior wants to get into the gaming scene, then by all means let him. If anyone you know is interested in starting out on solving Rubik’s cubes, then it might not be a very good idea to start them off with the Scruble Cube (which is a Rubik’s cube and Scrabble game combined into one) or the Sudoku Rubik’s Cube because they may be too complicated. Instead, get them the Rubik’s Junior Game.

It’s just a 2×2 cube that features a cartoon monkey print on one of the sides of the cubes for good measure. Perfect for kids and for amateur Rubiksters who are just beginning to discover the wonderfully puzzling world that Rubik’s cubes have to offer.

Rubik’s Junior Game

Rubik’s Junior. A Rubik’s puzzle for all ages!

This 2×2 cube is so easy (or the manufacturer says) even a monkey can solve it! This colorful cube comes with a monkey on it that exists as both an adorable mascot, and a painful reminder of yet another thing the monkey has mastered that man, alas, cannot.

The Rubik’s Junior Game is available from Entertainment Earth for $7.99 each.

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