
The Frog Weather Reporter

Ever wonder how the weather station predicts whether it's going to be warm and sunny out or gloomy and rainy?…

Wipe T-Shirt

Do you get the sudden urge to wipe something in the middle of the day, in the middle of nowhere?…

HydraDuo Water Bottle

When I was little, it used to take me several minutes every morning to decide what to fill my jug…

Sasquatch Extremely Large Flask

There's just something about abnormally huge stuff that makes seemingly ordinary things well, extraordinary. (However, an exception to the rule…

Whole World in a Can Inflatable Globe

With the Whole World in a Can Inflatable Globe, you can literally hold the entire world in your hands--but of…

USB Mail Box Friends Alert

Nobody likes waiting. In fact, I hate waiting. But if it can't be helped, then I want to wait in…

Potato Clock

If you paid attention to your science classes back when you were still in school, then you will understand quite…

Hollywood Slate Board

You know those reels that some movies play after the actual movie ends? The one where they show some bloopers…

Chess 4 Game

Chess has been a board game that's been around for a long time. And since people are always looking to…

Paper Airplane Doorstop

You walk past a door that's ajar with a paper airplane stuck at the corner and shake your head as…

Guitar Jam Christmas Tree Ornaments

The official Christmas countdown has now begun! I always begin counting down the days when Christmas is just a hundred…

World’s Largest Word Search Puzzle Shower Curtain

I can't spend more than ten minutes tops in the shower every morning (approximately two turns of the 5 Minute…

Dead Languages Tie

I've always had a fascination with languages. It's something that people use to talk to one another and get their…

Chalk Mug

Want droids to bring you your morning cup of Joe? Then you might like the R2-D2 Mug. Too lazy to…

Beep-it Optical Theremin

Love creating music and producing some sounds in an offbeat and unusual way? If you do, then I'm sure you'll…

Pop Top Bottle Opener

Does the Pop Top Bottle Opener look familiar? Well it should, unless you've been living under a rock this whole…

Note Me Cushions

My mom was a huge nagger. She'd get on my case for forgetting to turn the lights off, or for…

Mini Megaphone

Big things come in small packages. Okay, that probably didn't come out right, so let me rephrase that with an…

Postcard Aeroplane

If the DIY Wooden Postcard was a tad too boring for you (although really compared to traditional postcards, it definitely isn't),…

Evolution Erasers

We've all been taught the theory of evolution in our Science classes when we were in elementary school. The fact…