Chess 4 Game

Chess has been a board game that’s been around for a long time. And since people are always looking to spice things up, the classic game has been upgraded, changed up, and modified in every way imaginable. Play the game alone with Solitaire Chess, play it straight up and standing up with the Straight Up Chess Set, or call on two more people to join the game to make it a foursies with the Chess 4 Game.

With the Chess 4 Game, it’s really the more, the merrier. The same rules apply of course, only things will get a whole lot complicated because there’s twice as many chess pieces and players.

Chess 4 Game

This Chess 4 Game allows for four players. Same rules, same playing pieces, just played by up to four people. Chess 4 Game is the world’s most accepted non-traditional chess set!

The Chess 4 Game is available from Entertainment Earth for $23.99.

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