
Regular Show Up High Bro!!! T-Shirt

If you enjoy the crazy antics of Cartoon Network's Regular Show, then you'll appreciate the Regular Show Up High Bro!!!…

Support Bacteria T-Shirt

Just like you can't ever have enough chocolate to eat, you can never have enough t-shirts to how about…

Warning: If Zombies Chase Us T-Shirt

Want to let your friends and family know the cold hard truth about what will happen during a zombie apocalypse…

Geek 404 Error Mug

There's nothing worse than surfing the internet and being stopped dead by a 404 error page, even though some of…

Cat Exercise Wheel

Move over Hamster Race Car, cats are stealing the show. The Cat Exercise Wheel is basically a hamster wheel made…

Bubble Wrap Suit

If you are making a B Movie or just want to start a new fashion trend, try this awesomely geeky…

Crafting With Cat Hair Book

Ever think your cat sheds enough hair to make another cat? With the Crafting With Cat Hair Book, you really…

Bubble Wrap Tie

No one can resist popping the bubbles on bubble wrap. It's a great way to cure your boredom. And now,…

Sandpooper T-Shirt

You knew someone had to get stuck with the behind-the-scenes job that no one wanted during Star Wars filming. It…

Halo Teabagging T-Shirt

For many Halo fans, teabagging is just as important as a team may even be more important for some…

He-Man She-Ra Christmas Faux Sweater

I hope you’re getting ready for this year’s Christmas festivities with an appropriate sweater. GeekAlerts has shown you several just…

How To Swear Around The World Phrasebook

If you plan on visiting a foreign country then you best learn the important phrases, like all the swear words...Just…

Karakuri Neck Charm

If you or someone you know has unsightly neck wrinkles, then you need the Karakuri Neck Charm. This little miracle…

The Quack Dog Muzzle

Do you have a dog that needs a muzzle every now and then? Well big or small, GeekAlerts has the…

Santa’s Beer Belly Pilsner Glass

Getting into the “Holiday Spirit” can be tough, especially if you have a large family. And we adults know how…

Knights of Ni Plush Hat

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's an abominable, it's the knight who says NI! The Knights of Ni Plush…

Regular Show iPhone Cases

If you're a fan of Cartoon Network, then you've probably seen an episode or two of the Regular Show...Who can…

Printed Christmas Tree Poster

If you a fan of Christmas but not of the mess that usually accompanies it, you might want to get…

Star Wars Stormtrooper Demotivational Regrets Canvas Print

Having regrets is part of being human but apparently clones or Stormtroopers also experience regret when they get duped by…

Santa’s Farting Butt Travel Pillow

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas??? That might not be the first thought that pops into your head…