Oddka Vodka

Vodka sells itself, but it doesn’t hurt to offer something unique and different. GeekAlerts has shown you specialty alcohols like 100,000 Scovilles Hot Naga Chilli Vodka and Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale in the past, and now this Oddka Vodka is sure to be another hit with party goers.

Available in seven flavors (Electricity, Wasabi, Apple Pie, Salty Caramel Popcorn, Original, and Fresh Cut Grass), you’re sure to find the one that suits your taste buds.

  • Original: I once meditated for a week. Afterwards I came up with the idea of a vodka flavored vodka. An idea so fresh, so elegant, so smooth, I couldn’t believe it hadn’t been thought of before. When I discovered it had, I thought I’d make it anyway.
  • Lightning: Ever wondered what a bolt of lightning tastes like? Me too. That’s why I created this shockingly good tongue-tickling vodka. Now lightning can strike as often as you like.
  • Salty Carmel Popcorn: I love the movies, though personally I’ve never seen the appeal of those 3D ones. If this flavor was a film it would be a caramel comedy with a sea salt subplot and a warm, feel-good ending.
  • Fresh Cut Grass: One day my llama distracted the janitor when he was mowing my factory lawn and there was an accident. A fortuitous accident with a crisp and citrusy outcome.
  • Wasabi: At Ninja school I was taught the saying, “The Wasabi-eating Ninja Laughs Last.” I’m still trying to figure out what it means, but in the meantime have created this fiery flavor to creep up on your taste buds. Enjoy.
  • Apple Pie: Inspired by Grandma Oddoski’s famous apple pies. I gave her my word I would never reveal her secret ingredient. This sweet tasting apple and cinnamon flavor vodka is a tribute to that promise.

You can learn more about Oddka Vodka and even how to mix some tasty cocktails at Oddkavodka.com.

(Via Uncrate)

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