World’s Largest Video Game Controller

You could say you love video games this big or that big. But do you love it as much as British engineering student Ben Allen does? Or, let me say it differently: do you love video games enough to create the World’s Largest Video Game Controller because of it?

The idea to build the largest gaming controller of all-time hit Ben when he was at his local pub. Thus the plans to build the 144 in. x 62 in. x 20 in. controller were drawn up. Ben unveiled his creation at London’s Liverpool St. station, where the Guinness World Records 2012 Gamers Edition was kicked off.

The best part about this gigantic NES controller is that it actually works–although you can’t really play a game solo. But that’s easy to solve, though. Just grab a partner and coordinate as you jump, press, and step on these buttons to play the game.

It’s obvious that something this big wasn’t cheap to make, either. Allen, who is a student from the Delft University of Technology, revealed that he actually spent over $6,000 to construct the giant controller.

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