Walking Dead Ricktatorship T-Shirt

Kiss democracy goodbye with the Walking Dead Ricktatorship T-Shirt, because strong leadership is needed when the zombie apocalypse happens.

Too many leaders slow down the decision-making process and there’s no time to convene a meeting when a hungry corpse is trying to take a bite out of you. Compromise? No such thing when the choice boils down to live or die, which is why we all must let democracy come to an end when the walkers start looking for a snack. This isn’t a democracy anymore. It’s a Ricktatorship. Bow down to your new overlord and perhaps live to see another day.

Fear the living. Fight the dead. Respect the Ricktator.

The Walking Dead Ricktatorship T-Shirt is available for $24.99 at ShopTheWaklkingDead.com.

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