Walking Dead ‘Screwdriver Zombie Head’ Season 2 Blu-ray Box Set

Return to a much more innocent zombie apocalypse with the Walking Dead 'Screwdriver Zombie Head' Season 2 Limited Edition Blu-ray…

Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Keepsake Ornament

Nothing says Christmas like a crossbow-wielding hero who hates soap and water, making the Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Keepsake Ornament…

Walking Dead “Walkers In Blood” Dye Sublimated T-Shirt

Blood and zombies create an eye-catching image on the Walking Dead "Walkers In Blood" Dye Sublimated T-Shirt, and it's good…

Walking Dead Ricktatorship T-Shirt

Kiss democracy goodbye with the Walking Dead Ricktatorship T-Shirt, because strong leadership is needed when the zombie apocalypse happens. Too…

The Walking Dead ‘Prison Tower With Gate’ Building Set

Go behind bars with The Walking Dead 'Prison Tower With Gate' Building Set, and battle zombies with Glenn Rhee, the…

The Walking Dead ‘Daryl With Chopper’ Building Set

Create your own zombie apocalypse with The Walking Dead 'Daryl With Chopper' Building Set. With 154 pieces, this building set…

Walking Dead “Daryl Claimed” Laser-Cut Juniors T-Shirt

The Walking Dead "Daryl Claimed" Laser-Cut Juniors T-Shirt will probably roar off the shelves like a zombie-killer on a motorcycle because…

Walking Dead ‘Fear The Living, Fight The Dead’ Beach Towel

Let the zombies protect your spot at the beach or by the pool with the Walking Dead 'Fear The Living,…

Walking Dead Blood-Splatter Flip Flops

You'll want to get these Walking Dead Blood-Splatter Flip Flops now because wearing something like this after the zombie apocalypse…

Walking Dead “Because Daryl Said So” T-Shirt

The Walking Dead "Because Daryl Said So" T-Shirt will be a favorite for Daryl's fans because it boils even the…

Walking Dead Walkers Attack Hoodie

The Walking Dead Walkers Attack Hoodie takes one of the most dreaded scenarios possible in a zombie apocalypse and puts…

Walking Dead Ultimate Daryl Dixon Bundle

Crossbow-wielding Daryl Dixon became an instant fan favorite on AMC's hit series about surviving after a devastating apocalypse, and the…