Unicorn Hooded Backpack

If you’ve ever felt like the universe messed up by letting you be born as a human instead of as a mythical, one-horned horse, the Unicorn Hooded Backpack might help you feel like the natural order is back on track.

Admit it. The cubicle rat-race wasn’t meant to be your destiny. Instead of sitting in front of a computer and kissing the posteriors of your superiors, you know in your heart of hearts that you should really be prancing around green fields and enjoying life.

While nobody can really correct the cosmic wrong that’s been done you, it is possible to get in touch with your true nature by slipping into this purple backpack that includes a furry, horned unicorn hood and a furry pink-and-purple tail.

Run wild and free with the Unicorn Hooded Backpack for $29.50 at Hot Topic.

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