Tocky – The Runaway Alarm Clock

When it comes to alarm clocks that play mind games, Nanda Home is quite the contender. We’ve recently posted on Nanda’s Clocky the Alarm Clock on Wheels. Well here’s its partner in crime: Tocky, the Runaway Alarm Clock.

Shaped like a sphere with little eyes and pointy feet, Tocky rolls off the nightstand when the alarm sounds and forces you to jump out of bed, locate it, and turn it off. Tocky is built to freefall off small structures, and could probably withstand moderate owner abuse as well with its double silicone casing.

Personalize Tocky by recording your mom’s voice with the built-in microphone. “Sweetheart, it’s time to eat your Cap’N Crunch and catch the bus.” Or annoy yourself with something assinine like,”You can run and run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man.” Or upload an adrenaline-pumping mp3 tune, like the ‘Mission Impossible’ theme song. All you need is a USB cable to access mp3 files on your computer.

The large digital numbers on Tocky’s face give a clear display of the time, but you have to catch it to see. The snazzy touch-sensitive interface, which is the white ring around the clock face, allows you to set the time and alarm. There’s a Snooze function, but honestly, do you really want to get up and chase the little rascal around a second time?

Tocky Runaway Alarm Clock Best Bits

  • Alarm clock that rolls away and hides from you
  • Upload MP3s or record your own wake-up calls
  • Touch-sensitive function dial
  • Durable silicon casing
  • Dimensions: 3.5″ x 3.5″ x 3.5″
  • Weight: 8.2 ounces

Order the Tocky Jumping Alarm Clock for $69.99 with free shipping at Heartland America in your choice of black, white, aqua, kiwi, or orange. Tocky can also be found at in funky-fresh spring colors like Aqua, Orange and Kiwi, for $69.00, and the White Tocky is £49.95 at Gizoo.

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