The Omnipotent Alarm Clock

The Omnipotent Alarm Clock got its name from the fact that the functions it comes with are more than what you’ll get with your average alarm clock.The Boba Fett LEGO Minifigure Alarm Clock is definitely a whole lot of quirky, while the Top Gear Projection Alarm Clock is definitely way out there. But can they do what the Omnipotent Alarm Clock can?

Aside from giving you the time and ringing out its alarms at the times you’ve set, the Omnipotent Alarm Clock can save up to 20 radio stations for some easy listening. It comes with 21 alarms, with can be set at two different times of the day, just in case there’s more than just one person who’s using it. You can also choose to be woken up with the standard alarm or with some music from your favorite station just blaring out loudly in the morning.

The Omnipotent Alarm Clock

This is the world’s most accommodating alarm clock radio with 21 alarms, 20 radio preset stations, and an adjustable snooze length. The clock has 14 alarms that can be set to go off at two different times each day to accommodate two people with different morning schedules and seven traditional alarms that can be programmed to sound at the same time every day.

Each alarm can be linked to a preset AM/FM radio stations or a buzzer, enabling both partners to wake to their preferred sound. The snooze button provides one to 30 minutes of extended sleep.

The Omnipotent Alarm Clock is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for $59.95.

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