The Caramel Apple Maker

The best food parties are the ones where guests get to be involved in the production. Now that apples and caramel are plentiful at the stores, it’s a great time to entertain with The Caramel Apple Maker.

This machine is ideal when a lot of people want to make their own caramel apple masterpieces at once. It keeps the caramel melted at the right temperature so that the pot is always ready for its next dunkee. Kids will be less likely to burn themselves since the pot isn’t extremely hot, and you won’t end up with a big glob of burnt caramel.

This tabletop appliance makes it easy to create sticky sweet candy apples without the hassle and mess of melting caramel on a stovetop. Available exclusively at Hammacher Schlemmer, the device’s stainless steel melting pot is heated by an electric heating element instead of a stove, so it is safe and easy to use with children. A warming setting keeps heated caramel silky smooth under a transparent lid between dunkings. The included divided tray rotates around the unit, so you can dip apples into chopped nuts, sprinkles, or candy without reaching across the pot or tangling its cord. The pot holds 14 ounces of caramel and has a cool-to-the-touch handle for easy removal. The appliance also melts chocolate for fondue. Washes easily by hand. Plugs into AC. 16 1/2″ L x 16 1/2″ W x 9″ D. (4 1/2 lbs.)

If nobody is a fan of caramel, the pot will also melt chocolate so you can make chocolate-covered apples. Chocolate fondue is a hit for any occasion, too. Not to mention, chocolate comes in many different varieties.

The surrounding tray is divided into compartments that you can fill with all kinds of chopped nuts, M&Ms, chocolate chips, graham cracker crumbs, crushed up candy bars, sprinkles, fruits, etc.

The Caramel Apple Maker is a new arrival at Hammacher Schlemmer and is priced at $79.95.

Speaking of caramel apples, you may love the taste but your teeth might not be able to handle the carnage of eating them. Instead, try taking a bite out of a piece of Caramel Apple Cake.

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