Game of Thrones Full World Map

Hang this Game of Thrones Full World Map up on your wall and you will always know where things are…

Lies They Teach in School Book

It's a fact that many of the things that they teach us in school are not true. That's right, many…

WeWood Moon Ladies Watch

Are you a fan of natural materials like wood? If so, then this WeWood Moon Ladies Watch should be just…

Tac Snac Tactical Snack Sticks

What are you going to eat when the Zombies attack? You are bound to get very hungry fighting for survival.…

TARDIS-Shaped Expansion Shirt

Doctor Who might be the madman in the box but it's still irritating to Whovians when people don't really know…

Transformers Decepticon Logo T-Shirt

Sure, the good guys always win, but being the bad guy is a lot of fun. That's why I prefer…

Star Wars Chewbacca Messenger Bag

Very few men can get away with wearing a purse. A Wookiee can do it because they have been known…

Gummy Bear Ice Cube Tray

Gummy Bears are some sweet sweet candy. You can't get enough of them right? Well, then why not put some…

Tovolo Pie Pop Kit

Pies and cakes are prefect for all sorts of occasions; birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, or even a weekend filled with snack…

Star Trek Spock Blue Beach Towel

Did Spock lose his shirt on the beach or is that just an awesome geek beach towel? It's an awesome…

Helix Stockings

With legs like that you have some mighty fine DNA, so you might as well your genes on your stockings…

Earthworm Jim Action Figure

If you have been a fan of Earthworm Jim since way back in the 90s, then you have probably played…

Geek Insignia Ties

Show your geek side while in the office with these awesome Geek Insignia Ties. They look professional and geeky at…

Adventure Time Plush Toys

Adventure Time is a show that is generally funny, sometimes cute, and usually a bit strange.  Read: the arms on…

Zombie Soap

Zombies are undead. They shuffle around on streets and eat brains. So they aren't going to smell very good. They…

Angry Birds Space Plush w/ Sound

You just can't get away from Angry Birds. They are on land, in the air and in space. If you…

Meh Hoodie

We all have the occasional bad hair day, but there are also other days that qualify as total "meh" days. Instead…

8-Bit Sunglasses

Plain sunglasses are played out. They are too round. Not pixelated enough. It's time to rock some 8-Bit Sunglasses and…

8-Bit Tablet Sleeve

If you are looking for a nice geeky sleeve to protect your tablet, check out this awesome 8-Bit Tablet Sleeve.…

Herbie the Mousebot Kit

If you have always wanted to have your very own toy mouse that you can play with, look no further…