TARDIS-Shaped Expansion Shirt

Doctor Who might be the madman in the box but it’s still irritating to Whovians when people don’t really know what ‘the box’ is. Say TARDIS to them and you see their eyes glaze over. The TARDIS-Shaped Expansion Shirt breaks it down in a very stylish way, offering up what the letters in the popular acronym actually stand for. You’re on your own when it comes to explaining how the Doctor can save the universe countless times but can’t seem to figure out how to fix the busted chameleon circuit.

The shirt, in TARDIS blue of course, is made of 100% cotton and allows you to celebrate your nerd-love for the Doctor while still looking as stylish as the man in the bow tie himself. Well… maybe you won’t look that stylish because any guy that can pull off the combo of bow tie, suspenders, and fez is a style god, but you’ll be looking as stylish as a mere human can.

You can get the TARDIS-Shaped Expansion Shirt for $17.99 – $19.99 at ThinkGeek.com.

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